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A is for Antioxidant

Potatoes often get a bad wrap but not all potatoes are the enemy. Sweet potatoes are a wonderful addition to just about any diet. There are several ways to prepare sweet potatoes; I generally like to keep it simple by wrapping in foil and baking in the over until tender, then sprikling with a bit of cinnamon and brown sugar. I know sugar isn't the best choice but just 1 tsp heightens the flavor of the potato.

Today I tried something a little different. I love home fries and I wondered if they would taste just as good with sweet potatoes as they do russetts. I tried it out and was very pleasantly surprised. I did not go the traditional route with onion and bell pepper, though I encourage you to try it out. I kept it very simple with a bit of salt, red pepper flakes, and cilantro. Sound weird? I dare you to try it; you will be amazed.


Just one serving of sweet potato provides over 400% of your recommended daily allowance for vitamin A. Vitamin A is known antioxidant that helps fight against cancer and diseases like macular degeneration. Sweet potatoes are low in fat and high in fiber; they encourage regular elimination and can protect agains diverticulosis and colorectal cancers.

Sweet Potato Hash


2 large sweet potatoes, peeled and diced

2 quarts water

1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

1 tsp Himalayan sea salt

1 tsp red pepper flakes

cilantro to garnish


In a medium stock pot, bring water to a boil and add diced potatoes, cook for 5 minutes or until potatoes are fork tender. Drain and set aside. In a large saucepan, heat oil over medium/high heat. Add potatoes and season with salt and pepper. Allow potatoes to cook unitl browned, then flip. Once potoatoes are brown on both sides, remove from skillet, garnish with cilantro, and serve warm.

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