Oh Baby I Like It Rawwwwwww
Mock tuna; it's one of life's wonders. I decided a few weeks ago to do a raw food cleanse and while salads are absolutely wonderful, I...

Everyday I'm Waffling
I've gotta start my day off right! What does that mean, you ask? Well, it means I need something filling and satisfying. I love to...

Meatless Monday...
“Variety is the spice of life, that gives it all it’s flavor” - William Cowper. This quote always seemed cliche to me, until I became a...

Don't Be Blue
Blueberries are probably my favorite fruit. Versatile, nutrient dense, tasty, and deliciously tart, blueberries are unmatched by any...

It's Salad Season
It's almost spring, which means we've got about three months to get that beach body ready for summer. There's no better way to drop a few...

A Healthy Snack
I was born and raised in California where avocado trees grow like weeds. Growing up, I had two avocado trees in my backyard, and I'm...

Donuts, Doughnuts, Doooooonuts!
I'm from California, Los Angeles to be exact. What does that have to do with donuts, you ask? Well, I recently moved to GA and quickly...

You CAN Eat Bread
I hear people say over and over again that bread makes them gain weight. I always come back with the follow up question of, "How do you...

Hello Sweet-Heart
It's the time of year again. Some call it Valentine's Day, others, Singles Awareness Day. Whether you're celebrating with your love, or...

The Skinny Smoothie
Do all smoothies make you lose weight? Not really. In fact if prepared wrong, most smoothies can actually cause weight gain. Here are a...